Dr. Rod Parsley
World Harvest Church
Pastor Chad Carter has been a blessing to me as a member of the leadership at World Harvest Church, as a part of the World Harvest Church Ministerial Alliance, and later as the pastor of a great local church.
Jeremiah 35:15 says, "And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding." Pastor Carter applies himself diligently to the Word of God and prayer in order to feed God's people with knowledge and understanding... Joni and I salute you and send greetings and best wishes from all of us here at World Harvest Church.
Elder Bill Canfield
World Harvest Church
You're making an impact, but it's not nearly the impact you're going to make in the days ahead. The Bible says that God gave gifts to the church - and one of those gifts is the ministry gift of pastor. Pastor Chad Carter is a very special gift to the Body of Christ.
There is a difference between those who are employed in ministry and those who are called to it. Pastor Carter is not an employee doing a job - he is an anointed vessel fulfilling a calling.
Paula and I send our greetings and warmest wishes... and honor the gift God has graciously given in Pastor Chad Carter.
Dottie Rambo
Southern Gospel Artist
I feel like the people that have an opportunity to hear this man preach (Pastor Chad Carter)... the people all around here need to be running to hear him.
The presence of the Lord walks with him... the King of glory moves through him. Hallelujah! Glory!
...This man - Pastor Chad Carter - is real.
LaVerne & Edith Tripp
Southern Gospel Artists
We've seen how Pastor Chad loves the Lord... lifts the Lord up all the time. What excellence we see!
You, Pastor Chad, are not going to stay where you are! You're going higher and farther for the Lord!
Evangelist Frank Sumrall
Son of Dr. Lester Sumrall
It's an honor to know Pastor Chad Carter. There are three areas that constitute his life:
1) Being holy; 2) Being a man of compassion; 3) Being a man of faith.
These qualities certainly testify of him. I believe this year will be a time for blessing, expansion, and of course, HARVEST for the Kingdom of God. And I declare that no matter what may be coming against Pastor Chad, God is on his side and the Word declares that if God be for him, who can be against him.
My prayer for Pastor Chad is the two prayers prayed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 1:17-23 and Ephesians 3:17 and 20:
...That God will give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation; that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened so you will know the hope of his calling, the riches of his glory, the exceeding greatness of his power, that you will be seated in heavenly places with Christ, putting all things under you feet and becoming the head over all things.
...That Christ will dwell in your heart by faith and by love, and that God will continue to do exceeding and abundantly above all that you ask or think, according to his power at work in you.
Pastor Steve Sumrall
Pastor of Christ Chapel Church, South Bend, IN
and son of Dr. Lester Sumrall
It was a blessing to get to know you. I trust and believe that you shall accomplish great things with tremendous growth and success for the Kingdom of God.
You have begun a great work for the Lord, and He who is faithful will bring it to completion.
Pastor Myles Holmes
Revive Church, Collinsville, IL
It's a delight to speak a few words of blessing over my friend and brother in the battle, Pastor Chad Carter.
I'd like to take this opportunity to proclaim that Pastor is a passionate preacher, who is prophetic, powerful and practical! He is bold, bubbly, battle-wise and biblical. He is warm, witty and wonderfully Word-centered. Pastor is happy, holy, humorous and hungry for more of God!
Chad Carter is exciting, exuberant, extroverted and an example of the believer! He is fun, friendly, fearless, fiery and focused!
And in closing, when you are in a war, you choose your fighting partners very carefully. I am glad to have the armed and dangerous Pastor Chad Carter in the trenches with me!
The Body of Christ is blessed to have this man of God as a covering, prophet and spiritual shepherd.
Congressman Todd Rokita
United States House of Representatives
I want to take this opportunity to thank Pastor Chad Carter for his leadership to the church, and in the state of Indiana. His service to Hoosiers, and his many accomplishments, have not gone unnoticed. From founding a great local church, to his dedicated involvement in community outreach and service to children, Pastor Carter's selfless nature and kind personality make him a pastor to be recognized.
Of course, I saw all this first hand during the time I spent with him. And I continue to see these wonderful qualities through the counsel he gives to me and others. Thank you, Pastor Chad! Your leadership is needed!
Photos with other Christian and Political leaders (click thumbnails):
Senator Brent Steele
District 44, Indiana
I want to publicly honor and appreciate our brother in Christ - Pastor Chad Carter.
The work of a pastor is so important and appreciated. Thank you, Pastor Carter, for your consistent and persistent work, patience and love that you and your ministry bestow upon the sheep. It is truly a work of love.
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